Concept Note:
The anthropocene describes a relationship between us and nature. The piece is a one-way conversation in which we are rendered silent. Caught between the loneliness of a city and the immensity of nature, listen.
Notes - Slow speech
Sound: A low trickle of water; a voice emerges
Can you hear me?…
How have you been?…
It's been a while…
Things have changed…
Do you remember how things were?…
Although, I suppose you weren't always there…
Sound: Louder
Can you hear that? Listen closely.
Sound: A hum A drizzle A rustle A roar A howl A thundering …
Focus on me instead... Place your hand on your abdomen… Inhale for a count of four... 1…2…3…4 Hold your breath. 1 2 3 4 Exhale 1 2 3 4 Hold 1 2 3 4